Stonehenge Replicas Attract Tourists

Dan Rang - Sep 03, 2012
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The prehistoric Stonehenge monument which attracts flocks of tourists each year to the UK has led to many efforts to recreate it. This has been done using a variety of materials and the replicas are scattered all over the world. While some of the replicas have been carefully constructed as astronomically aligned models others can only be termed as true examples of artistic expressions and tourist attraction. The following are some of the major replicas of the famous Stonehenge.

Maryhill Stonehenge

It is a full size Stonehenge that is astronomically aligned at Maryhill, Washington. Samuel Hill, a businessman commissioned it in the 20th century. It was dedicated on 4th July 1918 in honor of those who died in the First World War. The stone at the altar is placed in alignment with sunrise on Summer Soltice. The man who commissioned the building of the Stonehenge was a Quaker pacifist. He was mistakenly informed that the original Stonehenge was used as a sacrificial site. This drove him to have the replica as a reminder of the fact that human lives were still sacrificed to the god of war. Originally the monument was located in the center of Maryhill, however this burnt down with only the replica left standing.

In 1929 a second formal dedication of the monument was held after its completion on May 30th of that year. Later the monument became a part of the Maryhill Museum of Art which includes monuments of soldiers who died in Korea, Vietnam and World War II. Each year countless tourists flock here to see the replica and learn its historical significance.

Stonehenge replica (Texas)

It is located on campus of University of Texas in Permian Basin, Odessa in Texas. This monument is built to the same size, appearance and shape of the ancient Stonehenge in southern western England and was open in the summer of 2004. Although it matches the original Stonehenge horizontally it is 14 percent short of the full height of the English monument. The original version took 2,000 years to build while its replica in Odessa took only 6 weeks.

Stonehenge Aotearora

This artfully designed Stonehenge was constructed by members of the Phoenix Astronomy Society. It is located near Cartenton in New Zealand and contains 24 pillars. The henge measures 30 meters in diameter and is about 4 meters high. It is capped with lintels to complete the circle with 5 meters obelisk which marks the center of the henge. The replica was built to show how ancient people made use of construction to understand astronomy. Its artistic design serves as a major tourist attraction.

Missouri S&T Stonehenge

This is a partial reconstruction of the original monument located in Salisbury plains, towards west of London. It is located in the corner of a campus and was opened on June 20th 1984 during the summer solstice. It is 15 meters in diameter with rings of stones around horseshoe trilithons through which various sightings of the sun rising and setting can be made. The rock that was used for the project was cut by Missouri S&T water jet cutter equipment which sliced across the surface just like an ordinary saw. Today it is a major tourist attraction although a health center was later built blocking sun sightings most of the year.

Stonehenge II

This replica tourist attraction was built by Al Shepperd with the assistance of a friend and neighbor Doug Hill. Initially it was located on FM 1340 west of Hunt, Texas; however it currently resides on the campus of Hill Country Arts Foundation, Texas. Stonehenge II was moved to its current home near the Point Theatre in Ingram during the summer of 2012.There are future plans to enhance the henge by constructing benches, dance floors and side walks leading to the site.

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