Religious tourism represents an expanding but poorly researched domain. Journeys to holy places of various faiths attract not only believers, but secular pilgrims. In terms of professional approach, the tourism related to pilgrimage is not homogeneous; it is also structured differently in terms of participants, motives, budgeting, products and etc. We are only approaching this subject in this issue and suggest topics related to different religions and professional frames of reference. Ancient Indian sites dazzle imagination and attract not only Buddhists. Information from Jordan describes a strategy of targeting specific tourists. This Middle Eastern country, the cradle of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, is promoting biblical and archaeological sites. Believers organizing pilgrimages to the Russian Orthodox monasteries highlight the spiritual and educational function of pilgrimage. Many pilgrimage services in Russia have developed special programs to introduce pilgrims to the history, architecture and the cultural significance of the most interesting places encountered on their itinerary. Charity is another important component of these pilgrimage programs. Professional aspects of pilgrimages’ management and organizations are analyzed in the most extensive research of Christian pilgrimages to the Holy Land.