Professional: new markets – different needs…

The tourism industry with its wide range of branches includes a number of niches and special markets. Let us get familiar with only few of them and learn about the tribal tourism in Arizona or the possibilities of wheelchair travel to African safari. The individual needs of families on holiday or of the farmers developing agritourism market in the US – these are the other topics discussed by the travel trade experts.


Arizona Tribal Tourism: Respecting Differences

Cecilia Garland

American Indian reservations are unique communities—each unto themselves and among the larger American population. Yet, challenges and issues concerning how much tourism they want in their communities and how much of themselves they want to share with the traveling public hold relevance for tourism planners nationwide. Some tribes have aggressively sought tourism while others have moved slowly and with caution into that economic development arena. Both methods are meeting with success...

Families and Tourism: The Case of UK

Justin N. Froyd

Family holidays account for 32% of all UK holiday trips, 37% of nights and 23% of spending. The number of English holidays taken by families has been increasing since the early 1990s, but at a slower rate than holidays taken by non-families. Families are no more likely to take UK holidays than the population as a whole, although this has changed from the 1990s when families showed slightly greater propensity to holiday in the UK...

The Trendy Space Tourism

Gregory Dolgos

Many people still think that to get the chance to go to space you've got to try to be an astronaut. Unfortunately, the chance of getting to be a government astronaut is tiny, simply because there are so few - and there's no prospect of a lot more being employed...

Disabled Travelers Going to Africa?

Kevin Eagan

Travel and tourism is a social right which concerns every human being. However, it is estimated that over 500 million disabled people in the world do not take holidays. For those with some form of disability, many of the existing tourism offers are not easily accessible. However, disability is not inability to tourism. The demand for accessible tourism offers is growing, and the tourism industry is starting to recognize that tourists with disabilities form an important consumer group. Numerous a...

A New Growth Industry – Minnesota Agritourism

Sara Thopson

Agritourism isn’t a new idea. For as long as people have toured, they have stopped at agricultural producers to sample the wares. Winery tours, dude ranches, hayrides, corn mazes, pick-your-own farms—they’re all agritourism. What is new is the idea that agritourism can be marketed as a destination activity. Disparate rural sites offering an array of attractions from farming to fishing to festivals can be woven into a cohesive package that has marketing weight to draw tourists. This fledgling eff...