Despite disastrous times for the airline industry, the environment is becoming a point of stress and a place of improvement. It could be used as a marketing foundation to help the airlines recover from huge losses in the future. The IATA has made new demands for an improvement in fuel efficiency. The British tycoon Richard Branson pretty much said it all about the situation of the world’s airlines recently when declaring that the worst times ever await such businesses. However, the results of the 65th annual meeting of the IATA (International Air Transport Association) in Kula Lumpur have not only thrown hope into the equation, yet also another challenge for the pressured giants of the skies.Whereas a number of companies all around the globe have resorted to using their ‘green’ attitudes and policies to promote business, it is time for the airlines to do the same, and the IATA demands that this step be taken. The association represents over 200 of the world’s carriers and has a large say in what they should and should not do. The timing of the decision to change to more environmental thinking is crucial before the UN climate change meeting in Copenhagen in December.
The association wishes to see a 1.5% improvement in fuel efficiency between 2009 and 2020. Carbon-neutral growth should be reflected in this improvement and the improvement itself should be around 50% by 2050, leading to an absolute reduction in carbon emission. As concerns about the environment grow, this sounds impressive for passengers. Indeed, the travelers are expected to contribute towards these improvements and bear some of the burden for making the skies a lot cleaner. The IATA has seen the idea as an ‘everybody is a winner’ scheme. The issue cannot be tackled on its own, so mutual contribution is necessary. Related: