Anna Luebke - Dec 17, 2012
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The launch of direct flights to Lyon from Dubai by the Emirates airlines is expected to be a significant boost to the French city's tourism traffic. Lyon, occupying an area of 4787 hectares of land is located strategically in the natural plain of Rhine valley and it is the largest in the Rhone-Alpes region.

According to the programme director of Only Lyon, Lionel Flasseur, the direct flights to Lyon will result in an increase in the number of Arab tourists to Lyon, the 35th destination in Europe.

Different cultural groups from all over Europe can be found in the city. On the other hand, different religious groups are also supported. For instance despite the fact that the city has only a small population of Muslims there is a Mosque. Besides, Muslim communities from North African countries have already established settlements in Lyon.

Lyon lies between two mountains. In addition, it is a merging point of two rivers that gives it a unique characteristic, a completely strange appearance. It is an old scenic destination that traces its history to the Roman era and the times of Renaissance. In the 1st century B.C., It was the headquarters of the three Gauls of the Roman.

It is estimated that up to 5.5 million tourists visit Lyon each year. To keep track of the increasing number of tourists, the tourist departments of Lyon estimates that by the year 2015, there would be whooping 15000 guest rooms up from the current 12000.

Branded by UNESCO as the world heritage site, a stroll within the neighborhoods of Lyon will give some historical impression to a person. One will get an idea of how it has progressed in terms of design. Lyon has played a significant role, if not a leading one, in the political, cultural, and economic development of the entire Europe. It is the best example that ought to be emulated by any city or town.

Over the years since its foundation, it has portrayed great commercial as well as strategic activities that are very essential for the progress of every city. Its progress has been increasing in intensity each year. From historical sources, it has continued to expand in terms of urban settlement more than two millennia.

Of late it is the beautiful scenery that portrays exceptional progress as well as revolutionary architectural design and town planning. All sorts of architecture can be found ranging from those that existed hundreds of years ago.

In other words, Lyon has everything to be proud of. Despite the fact that it is an old town, it has never lagged behind in terms of developments.

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