Kevin Eagan - Jan 5, 2021
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For most people, travelling is a break from the hustle and bustle of work, but for some lucky individuals, it is something that they get paid to do. They get to visit and explore different places, and relay their experiences to interested readers through various types of publications. As such, it’s no surprise that Business News Daily lists it as one of the best jobs for those who love to travel.

As mentioned, there are various publications and outlets where travel writers can submit their articles, with the most prestigious being physical travel magazines. For those worried that the current circumstances may have put travel writing to bed, the good news, as we shared in our Tourism Review Online Magazine 1, 2020, is that the industry is resilient. This is because many tourism businesses have already adapted to the new normal by remodeling their offers and services to adhere to social distancing protocols. In addition to this, ZenBusiness' guide to the magazine industry also highlights how the trade continues to stay lucrative, as there are more people reading magazines, both physical and digital, compared to 2012.

So, if you’ve been considering a career as a writer for a travel magazine, here are a few helpful tips:

Read, read, read

This may seem like a generic tip, but we can’t stress enough how reading good writing is one of the best ways for any budding travel writer to improve their writing. Not only do you get exposed to different styles and forms of writing, you also get to see what kind of content your chosen publisher(s) prefers and matches. So read as much travel writing as you can, and let it inspire and teach you.


Create an online portfolio

The competition to become a paid travel writer is fierce, and to increase your chances of being a writer for magazines, you need to show that you’ve got talent that will set you apart. And the best way to do this is by having an online portfolio, where you can showcase your biography and past and upcoming travels. A travel website and multiple social media feeds, where you can post your travel articles, photos, and videos, is the best way to grow an audience. With such fierce competition, you need to start building your online portfolio website now to get noticed.

Grow your network

As aforementioned there are many aspiring travel writers. This means that the need to network in order to find work is high. You should aim to connect not only to editors of travel magazines but with fellow travel writers as well. You may widen your writing network not just by directly contacting people, but also by attending meet-ups, workshops, and conferences. Through these, you’ll be able to meet more publications and established travel writers whom you can learn from.

Add depth to your writing

A lot of novice travel writers tend to write only about what they see, but doing so can lead to a one-dimensional blandness in their articles. Therefore, to become a better travel writer and separate yourself from the hordes of other writers, you must aim to go beyond relaying just seeing, and incorporate descriptive language that cover the different senses to give readers a clearer picture. Writing to all the senses will help elevate your work above other writers and it will show that you truly understand what it means to travel.

Proofread your work

If you want to get a look in, then your work needs to be flawless in terms of spelling and grammar. You can’t afford to make even a tiny mistake in such a competitive industry. One way to avoid these mistakes and improve the flow of your writing is to read your work out loud. Writer David W. Berner shares reading your writing out loud makes it easier to spot awkward or unnecessary phrases, find your mistakes, and help you become a better reader of your own work. So, before you submit any piece to a travel magazine, make sure to read it out loud multiple times.

We hope that the tips we’ve listed above inspire you to start your travel writing journey today. Remember, writing is an art form that takes a lot of practice. So write as much as you can to improve, but don’t forget to also give yourself time and space to grow.

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