In 2009, the amount of Germans using air transport declined by more than 4 percent. The decrease is similar to post 9/11 air traffic crisis. Despite the fall in ticket prices the latest figures show that German travelers were flying considerably less over the 7-month long flying schedule for summer season (April – October).
The number of passengers decreased by 4.3 percent reported
The Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden stated that 11th September 2001 meant the first decline in the number of passengers traveling by air. At that time, after the attacks in New York and Washington the number of German air travelers, declined by 4.5 percent. However in the following years the amount of passengers increased by up to 8.5 percent per year. In 2008, there was also a slight increase of 1.2 percent.
In 2009, the latest statistics show that the number of passengers declined in all seven months of the summer schedule in comparison to the respective months of the previous year.
The worst month was June with a decline of 8.0 percent. The inland traffic was affected more from April to October with a fall of 5.5% than international flights with a decline of 3.8%. Nearly one in four passengers was flying within Germany and three quarters of all air travelers went abroad.