Online Tourism Video Distribution For Travel Industry

Tourism Video Marketing

Tourism Review Team Advance Your Brand Video Marketing Strategy

Tourism Videos are fast becoming the best way to visually display your travel services and holidays’ ideas to the world. Videos give internet users and your potential customer a way to see and “touch” the travel destinations or travel services you offer and give a more existing impression. Travel Videos can be shared with friends and family, and any other person involved in the decision-making process.

Many sources prove that online video viewing influences buying behavior. This holds true for the travel industry. A study that tracked the behavior of online travel shoppers indicated that those viewing video are 89% more likely to book then those who don’t. Why is this? Because video tells a story that lets prospective guests ‘experience’ your travel services as if they’re already there which gives them the confidence to book.

Distributing Tourism Video in Viral Way

Because 3 out of 4 internet users watch online videos and 6 out of 10 viewers take some action after watching online video presentations we are quite sure your travel video should be distributed extensively. Beside displaying your video on industry specific tourism video channel for the lifetime, your video is distributed and promoted over the most viewed video sites such as youtube, vimeo, veoh and etc.

In addition, having a strong social media presence will help you connect with potential customers and build brand loyalty. You will be able to inform wide customer base about a special deal through Facebook or Twitter.

Tourism Review video marketing team offers a new medium at a really minimal cost. The opportunities out there are endless. We are only starting to grapple with it and what we can do."

Tourism Review Video Production & Marketing Team can:

-help you leverage existing travel video assets you already have

-develop new travel video assets for effective video distribution across multiple platforms


Please contact us for quotation and implemented projects.